Definition: Febrile illness associated with a high mortality rate. Characterised by multisystem involvement.
Spread: Close contact with sick persons or their body fluids either at home or in the hospital.
Prevention: barrier nursing precautions.
Incubation period: 7-10 days
Onset: headache, myalgias, fever, nausea, vomiting and proceeds to prostration, rash and shock and often bleeding manifestations.
Clinical manifestations: Continued fever is joined by (severe)diarrhea, chest pain (cough), depressed mentation. A maculopapular rash appears around day 5-7 and is followed by desquamation. Bleeding may begin by this time. Additional findings: edema of the face, neck, and/or scrotum; hepatomegaly; flushing; conjuctival injection; pharyngitis.
Laboratory findings: Leukopenia, Platelet counts fall below 50.000/pl
Reservoir: Unknown.